• Bütün bunlara görə Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun yaradıcılığı Azərbaycan xalqının milli sərvətidir. 

    Üzeyir Hacıbəyov şəxsiyyəti Azərbaycan xalqının iftixarı, bizim milli iftixarımızdır.


    Heydər Əliyev


  • Bəstəkarlar öz əsərlərini yaradarkən, unutmamalıdırlar ki, bizim yaradıcılığımızı xalq qiymətləndirir.

    Çunki xalq yalnız yaradıcı, yalnız bəstəkar deyildir; xalq eyni zamanda misilsiz tənqidçi və musiqi

    əsərlərinin ən yaxşı «istehlakçısıdır», xalq musiqi əsərlərinə diqqətlə yanaşır, yaxşını pisdən seçir.


    Üzeyir Hacıbəyli

  • Azərbaycan bəstəkarlıq məktəbinin yaradıcısı, məşhur sovet bəstəkarı Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun musiqisi xalqımızın

    ürəyində yaşayır, onun mə'nəvi həyatını zinətləndirir. Zaman bu böyük iste'dadın qurduğu əzəmətli

    binanı sarsıtmaqdan nəinki acizdir, əksinə, onun getdikcə daha da möhkəmləndiyinə şahid olur.


    Qara Qarayev

  • Üzeyir məni özünə xas təmkinlə, çox mehriban bir münasibətlə qarşıladı.

    O gündən başlayaraq, ömrünün axırına qədər ölməz sənətkarın hərarətli münasibətini duydum.

    İlk dəfə şəxsiyyətində hiss etdiyim bu hərarəti get-gedə sənətində də duydum və bütün varlığımla ona bağlandım...


    Fikrət Əmirov

    5 May 2021-ci il

    Ethnoorganology: Actual Problems and Duties.

    An international  scientific-practical conference dedicated to  Baku Musical Academy \BMA\ named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli  100 anniversary  jubilee  was carried out on the theme “Etnoorganology: actual Problems and Duties”  in online regime  through Zoom programme communications.

    In the conference  on 29-30 of April   2021  date, scientists from Azerbaijan Turkey, Russia, Dubai \ UAE\, Oman Sultanate, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan announced  speeches, and  numerous  listeners  from Kirgizia joined the conference.    

    The conference   was announced opened, by Baku Musical Academy Rector, USSR  and Azerbaijan Republic   Peoples’  artist,  State  Award laureate , Professor  Farhad  Badalbeyli opening  speech.

    Badalbeyli in his speech, accentuated especially wide scale projects, carried out with M. Kerimov, to revive and recognize ancient instruments.

    Paying attention  to  the  question  of ancient instruments recognition and  their propagation he said , that he wish  to make   unity and  friendship an indicating  symbol ,among  similar to each other instruments in Turkish  world.

    Then  the Pro-rector on  Science and Creative Arts Matters  in  BMA  named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli, Philosophy  Sciences Doctor, the Professor, Honoured Arts  Worker  Gulnaz Abdullazade, Pro- rector  on  Educational  Matters  in BMA named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli , the Candidate of Pedagogical  Sciences, the Professor, Honoured  Teacher  Narmina Guliyeva ,   International  Relations  and Bringing up  Matters in BMA named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli , the  Professor, Peoples Artist  Yegana  Ahundova,  the Pro- Rector in Azerbaijan National Conservatory   on Scientific Matters , Philosophy Doctor on Arts Study,  the Professor, Honoured  Arts   worker -  Lale Huseynova  welcomed  participants .

     Also  Azerbaijan Republic  Ministry of Education  authoritative representative,  local and foreign  listeners  working on authoritative positions in scientific area , said their   own sincere  words  to the conference  participants .

    One  of the guests in the conference  opening procedure, the Chairman  of Art’s Departments  Educational  Council, Turkey  High Training  Formation , the Commissioner on Foreign  Affairs,  The Dean  of Yildiz  Technical University Arts and Design  Faculty  Turan  Sager in his  speech  said  about  master and student  traditions, and  this relationship  in  such pandemiya  time  continued extension,  Even said about receiving in online regime more wide scope picture, and   accentuated the importance and significance  of thoughts exchange provision among a number of valuable scientific workers as in such case.

    Saying , that  for  nowadays time period, online conditions  are already acceptable and will continue  its   functioning in normal regime, then about  appeared opportunities  to listen \to observe ,to watch\ performances of famous  world  orchestras and  soloists from  big concert halls  a great distance away,  and because of this ,  informed  about the phenomena of  another acquisition by art -  this new direction and added , that this new destination further development  overturn into indivisible  part  of our lives.

    Reported about opening  in built in Taksim Square  in Istanbul new  Ataturk  Culture Centre  on 29 of October,  which  represents collected  musical instruments,  particular  for Turkish  states, and said about big influential  role  for our instruments recognition , because  of  coming from four parts  of the world  to the country tourists acquaintance with this museum  matter.

    The Philosophy Doctor of Arts Study, the Professor Assistant, the director of BMA named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli scientific laboratory Nurida Ismayilzade was the moderator of this conference.

    In the conference  were represented  connected  with   following themes reports :  traditional  national  music  instruments  ethnical origin;  ethno organology traditions preserving  and development  in contemporary culture  area,  folk   performing instruments  restoration  and improving , organology-  in  scientific  musicology;  the problems of  national  musical  instruments fitting to  European   musical  system, folk  performing  instruments  working sections in composer’s creative activity .

    From the lecturers  the Professor from Turkey  Abbasova Irada , Bitmez  Mehmet , Kilinjer  Zafer, Doctor  of Philosophy on  Arts Study  from Oman - Shihaliyeva Shabnem,  the Candidate of Pedagogics Sciences, the senior lecturer  Imasheva Aygul from Kazakhstan ,  professor  Sharipov  Nigmatjan from Uzbekistan, the Doctor of  Arts   Study  Muradova  Zulfiya ,  Philosophy Doctor of Arts Study Tashmatova  Azadgul,  the Doctor of Arts Study Sciences,  the Professor  Kartashova  Tatiyana  from Russia,  Antipova  Victoria from Dubai, Philosophy Doctor  of Arts Study  Agayeva  Suraya from Azerbaijan , the Doctor of Arts Study Sciences   the professor Najafzade Abbasgulu, the  Philosophy Doctor of Arts Study,   AMK\ Azerbaijanian National \ traditional music \ Conservatory  \ Professor  Xalikzade  Fattah , Philosophy Doctor  of Arts Study,  Assistant Professor Mammedova  Habiba, Philosophy Doctors  of Arts  study  Rauf Bahmanli, Aliyev Mubariz , Shirinova  Saadet , Rzayeva  Mehpara , Rahmanli Ahsan, Peoples Artist of Azerbaijanian Republic   Sadigov Enver, Honoured artist of  Azerbaijanian Republic  Aliyeva Tarana,  ANK\ Azerbaijan National Conservatory\  Senior Teacher   Asadullayeva Mehri , from BMA scientific laboratory Nasirova Fidan, Isayev Zeynal  and other participants  made interesting reports.

     To all of the participants was represented the certificate and their articles were published in    “Etnoorganology: Actual Problems and Duties “international scientific conference materials and scientific articles collection book.

    Having considered admitted, adjoined guests, as the constant number, we can note that the theme has quite actual and important directions. Partisipants - lecturers interesting reports and representations were the cause of wide discussions. Held  discussions ,  announced thoughts, declared proposals , again demonstrated,  the  importance  of this direction  more  deep researches  and new acquired contribution to the musical science.

    To this  international conference , hold under  named after Uzeyir Hadjibeyli BMA management arrangement , joined Azerbaijan  National Conservatory, Nahichevan  State University ,Istanbul  Technical University, Inonu  University, Ardahan University, Turkish  Music  State Conservatory , Aydin  Adnan Menderes University, named after  L.V.Sobinov  Saratov  State Conservatory, Uzbekistan  State Conservatory ,  named after  Y.Rejebi  Uzbekistan  National  Musical    Arts Education  Institute, Uzbekistan  State  Conservatory scientific –production  experimental “ National instruments “ laboratory, Uzbekistan Republic  National Guard Specialized  Academical  Lyceum , Uzbekistan Sciences Academy Arts Study Institute, Georgian traditional  Music museum, Melody  Music and Dance Institute \ Dubai\,  named after Kurmangazi Kazakhstan  National Academy, and other  institutes and scientific laboratory representatives .

    This arranged meeting adjoining  with  formatting   this conference  like the  risen interest indicator,   also  informs  about  being  the BMA repeatedly , the possessor  of  numerous  international  and local  meeting arrangements  on the highest level.

    The scientific worker in BMA   scientific laboratory Konul Ahmedova.

    Ttranslated  by Ismayilova Elmina Rufulla gizi-  Scientific worker of BMA named after Uzeyir Hadjibeyli Scientific Laboratory N1.