• Bütün bunlara görə Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun yaradıcılığı Azərbaycan xalqının milli sərvətidir. 

    Üzeyir Hacıbəyov şəxsiyyəti Azərbaycan xalqının iftixarı, bizim milli iftixarımızdır.


    Heydər Əliyev


  • Bəstəkarlar öz əsərlərini yaradarkən, unutmamalıdırlar ki, bizim yaradıcılığımızı xalq qiymətləndirir.

    Çunki xalq yalnız yaradıcı, yalnız bəstəkar deyildir; xalq eyni zamanda misilsiz tənqidçi və musiqi

    əsərlərinin ən yaxşı «istehlakçısıdır», xalq musiqi əsərlərinə diqqətlə yanaşır, yaxşını pisdən seçir.


    Üzeyir Hacıbəyli

  • Azərbaycan bəstəkarlıq məktəbinin yaradıcısı, məşhur sovet bəstəkarı Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun musiqisi xalqımızın

    ürəyində yaşayır, onun mə'nəvi həyatını zinətləndirir. Zaman bu böyük iste'dadın qurduğu əzəmətli

    binanı sarsıtmaqdan nəinki acizdir, əksinə, onun getdikcə daha da möhkəmləndiyinə şahid olur.


    Qara Qarayev

  • Üzeyir məni özünə xas təmkinlə, çox mehriban bir münasibətlə qarşıladı.

    O gündən başlayaraq, ömrünün axırına qədər ölməz sənətkarın hərarətli münasibətini duydum.

    İlk dəfə şəxsiyyətində hiss etdiyim bu hərarəti get-gedə sənətində də duydum və bütün varlığımla ona bağlandım...


    Fikrət Əmirov

    30 mart 2021-ci il

    On the  theme  of  “Armenian  Plagiarism Misappropriation   Towards  Azerbaijanian  Folk  Music “ .

    Dedicated  to  ”31 of March , the Day  of Azerbaijanians  Sanguinary Liquidation  Day “  Republic  scientific – practice  conference .

    Republic scientific – practice conference was arranged in named after Uzeyir Hadjibeyli Baku Musical Academy. It was organized by “Azerbaijanian Music of Verbal  traditions and its  New Directions “ Organology and Acoustics “  Researches “ scientific – research laboratory initiative , in online regime  and was dedicated  to “ 31  of March , the Day of Azerbaijanians Sanguinary Liquidation Day. “ .

    First of all “31 of March, the Day of Azerbaijanian Sanguinary Liquidation Day “was commemorated by 1 minute of silence from the conference participant’s side.

    The moderator of the scientific  practice  conference    the director  of  BMA scientific researches  laboratory, Philosophy Doctor of  Arts Sciences , the Professor Assistant  Nurida Ismayilzade  emphasizing the significance  of the conference ,  first of all,  announced  video materials  appeal, send by  the Rector  of named after Uzeyir Hadjibeyli  BMA, Azerbaijan and USSR Peoples  Artist , the   Professor  Farhad Badalbeyli  and addressed to the conference  participants.

    Pointing out  the importance  of  arranged  on  “  Armenian Plagiarism Misappropriation  Towards Azerbaijanian Folk  Music  “ theme -  Republican  Scientific –Practice conference ,  Farhad Badalbeyli   announced , that    provided by Armenians   invasion  policy  to our music , culture  has     stretched  to  very ancient times   roots . 

    With proper purpose   always  encroaching upon    falsifications   ,  trying  to make an  attempt  to appropriate  our music , couldn’t reach their goals,  because  Azerbaijanian   significant  musical  experts , scientific workers ,  skillful  masters, proving  armenian  plagiarism  activity , fought against    making armenians , written by Azerbaijanian authors works  and  folklore samples. 

    After  Rector  of named after Uzeyir Hadjibeyli  BMA  , Peoples  Artist of USSR and  Azerbaijan , The Professor  Farhad Badalbeyli   addressed   to the conference speech,  under senior   teacher of  “Chorus  and Conducting “ Dilara Guliyeva leadership, was  demonstrated    “ Lachin” folk  song   video tape  in  Pianoforte faculty 3 course  year  students of “ Teaching Music “ department    performance .

    Greeting  the conference participants,  BMA  Pro-rector on  Educational  Matters  , Honoured Teacher,   The Candidate  of Pedagogics  Sciences  , the Professor  Narmina Guliyeva , announced  that  the theme “ Armenian Plagiarism Misappropriation towards Azerbaijanian Folk  Music”    has special actual urgency. And  pointed out that  this matter needs  more  extended audience  areas  for discussion and  by being  researched  on international level  and  considered ,very important to  inform  international community  about this theme .

    Then  BMA   Pro-rector on  Science  and   Creative Activity  , The Doctor  of Philosophy  Sciences  , Honoured  Arts   Worker , the Professor   Gulnaz Abdullazade  appeared with the  speech  in represented  for  conference theme , informed , that  despite  of painful for us , like  for nation, applying  repeatedly to this theme,  each time , again and again  we  are coming across  with  new  armenian  falsifications  facts .

    The representation   of  caused by armenians our \ Azerbaijanian \  cultural  heritage  damages to the  world  community attention , acquired strategic  significance  pointed out    Gulnaz Abdullazade   and added ,  that  the  held conference  will be valuable  stage   to  finish   Armenian  invasion  policy  to  our  music .  

    Appeared with report character speech  , the director  of BMA  scientific researches laboratory Philosophy  Doctor of Arts Sciences , the professor assistant  Nurida Ismayilzade ,  emphasized  the importance  of  laboratory  scientists  hard labour  and  made  by  them scientific –theory evidences   discoveries   in this area   ,for  attracting wide audience  attention to “Armenian Plagiarism  Towards Azerbaijanian Music .“  theme.

    Emphasizing  specially,  arranging jointly with  their  first  researches , various  scientific seminars , senior scientific worker ,professor assistant Ariz Abdullayev  and  senior scientific  worker  Philosophy Doctor on Arts Sciences Rauf Bahmanli   research  works ,  informed , about  prevailed  even in the future ,  scientific researches  in this direction. 

    Appeared with  scientific  reports  in the conference were : Philology  Sciences Doctor , The Professor , The Head  of  “  Humanitarian Disciplines “  Department in  named  after Uzeir Hadjibeyli BMA -Tarlan  Guliyev with \ “ Sanguinary  Days “ work \ 1918-1920\   the kind of source  to study  and research   related with the sanguinary battle  in Nakhichevan;  the Doctor  of Arts Sciences , the Professor, the head of “ Azerbaijanian  Folk Music History  and  Theory “ section in Amea   Architecture  and Arts  Institute     Irada Kocharli 

    With \ Another Thifting of  Uzeir Hadjibeyli ‘s  heritage by Armenians  \  , Azerbaijan Peoples Artist , the professor , of  named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli  BMA ‘s  scientific researches laboratory senior  scientific worker Ramiz Guliyev  with \ Azerbaijan    Musical Instruments  Misappropriation  from  Armenian Musicians  Side \ , Doctor of  Philosophy  on Arts Sciences  , The Professor of  Azerbaijanian National Conservatory , The  Professor Fattah Halikzade  with \  The Influence  of Azerbainjanian  music    to Armenian  Folklore  \ . Honoured Arts  Worker ,the Professor , The Head of Composition Department  in named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli Baku Musical Academy  Aydin Azimov  with  \ Cultural Relationship  and Plagiarism \, Philosophy Doctor  of Arts Sciences ,the Professor Assistant  in Azerbaijanian National Conservatory  Vefa Hanbeyova  with\ The Plagiarism like  Armenian  National – Cultural Policy\,  Philosophy Doctor of Arts Sciences ,   Senior  Scientific worker of  named after  Uzeyir Hadjibeyli  BMA  scientific  researches  laboratory Rauf Bahmenli with \\ similar  to\  Azerbaijanian Tesnif’s  Armenian Like  Variant. \ , Philosophy Doctor on Arts Sciences  , Senior  Scientific Worker of  named after Uzeir Hadjibeyli  BMA  scientific researches laboratory  Narmina   Bayramalibeyli with  \” The Borrowing   or  an Occasion  ? “\ , philologist Seyran Mirzayev with \ Sayat Nova. I  woke up with  friend’s hidjra “\-  scientists  researches  again  approved Armenian falsifications  by  very interesting  facts representation.

    Appeared with  speech  scientists ,  by representing  in diverse aspects  interesting  facts , evidences,  exposed  misappropriation  by  armenian side  of Azerbaijanian people’s  cultural  heritage . Sounded music   examples between spoken speeches   were greeted by the conference participants with special   positive attitude. Among scientific and musical prominent workers, musical expert and scientist and also guests participated in the conference are Azerbaijanian Republic Peoples Artist, The Pro-rector on Science and Creative Activity of BMA , Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Sciences, Assistant Professor E.Panakhova, Methods and Special Training Department Assistant Professor, Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Sciences N.Huseynova, Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Sciences, thr Professor Assistant Z.Abdulla, Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Sciences, leading compere reporter of "Musical life" radio station journal, the Honored Cultural worker S.Shirinova, "Chorus and Conducting Department" senior teacher D.Guliyeva and others partisipation Republican Scientific Conference, having passed on the theme "Armenian Plagiarism Misappropriation Towards Azerbaijanian Folk Music", on high scientific level, with taking into consideration several possible suggestions to Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Culture was finished. 


    Mehpara Rzayeva.

    Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Sciences.